Can stones also build a car?Foton Truck once again refresh industry cognition


The road of transformation in the green carbon reduction industry must

Facing the increasingly challenges of global climate change, carbon peaks and carbon neutralization have become global consensus. According to my country’s “dual carbon” target action plan, it is clear that “by 2030, the proportion of transportation of new energy and clean energy power in that year reached about 40%.”

Commercial vehicle carbon emissions are an important source of carbon emissions in the transportation industry and even the whole country. Effectively controlling the total carbon emission in the commercial vehicle industry is of great significance to promote the green development of the transportation industry.

At present, different enterprises in the industry have formulated sustainable development strategies, actively adopting measures to promote electrification, use green energy, green manufacturing, etc. to work hard to reduce carbon emissions and contribute to the sustainable development of transportation.

According to the current information of the reporter, Foton Motor’s forthcoming “stone car” its new materials in the production process have fewer waste, small environmental pollution, and degradable. From the aspect of production and manufacturing Energy -saving carbon reduction measures have achieved low carbonization of steel. At the same time, the “stone car” uses models to reduce lightweight design, effectively reduce weight, further reduce energy consumption, and can apply a number of operating scenarios. From the low -carbon, to the comprehensive carbon reduction of the intellectual manufacturing process, to the low energy consumption carbon reduction of the product terminal application, Foton Truck will bring a “full value chain carbon reduction” disruptive product.

In addition, the “Stone Car” will also fully demonstrate the leading results of Foton Truck’s new energy ecological chain. Its energy utilization, resource recovery, manufacturing process, production efficiency, logistics system and other comprehensive low carbonization and intelligence, comprehensively demonstrating the original intention and responsibility of Foton Truck to practice green technology.

Why can Foton Motors be done?

Continuous innovation leads new energy development

As a leading enterprise in the domestic automobile industry, especially the commercial vehicle industry, Foton Truck has always been an important implementer and firm promoter of the national “double carbon” strategy. The key to the reason why Foton Truck can innovate and develop such a “stone car is strong and motivated by its new energy transformation.

Strong determination, Foton Truck has a clear double -carbon strategic plan: Carbon peak was achieved in 2028, and in 2035, core factories carbon neutrality.

In terms of motivation, Foton Truck, under the guidance of the new new energy strategy, adheres to the continuous promotion of new energy business to accelerate development with product upgrades, technological breakthroughs and ecological innovation.

On the product side, Foton Truck is focusing on the three new energy -exclusive platforms: heavy, medium and light. On the technology side, Foton Truck insists on pure electricity+hydrogen energy+hybrid three lines to actively promote intelligent, core modules, energy technology and other technologies. On the ecological end, the upstream chain of Foton Truck includes suppliers and energy vendors such as special calls, Ningde Times, etc.; downstream chain joint vehicle operations, and jointly build a new industry ecology of “entire vehicle+core components+post -market services+carbon asset management” Essence

It is the clear goal and the clear path that Foton Truck can steadily advance and innovate in carbon reduction in carbon reduction, and create a black technology “stone car”.

What is the “stone car” of Foton Truck? December 20th Foton Truck 2024 Ecological Innovation Conference, look forward to it together!